
With the LAMMYs finally being handed out I thought I’d get back to some more regular LAMB posts on here.

If you’re new to this feature or need a refresher, click the label at the bottom of this post and see the previous posts. Otherwise, here are the basics:

What I do is list a site; you critique it. But here’s the catch: to induce the most honest reactions, don’t leave the comment using your normal alias/login – instead, go anonymous (for now you probably need to comment through bogus information and I’ll moderate all comments through), and be as brutally honest (or complimentary) as you wish to be. Also, be specific, and naturally, don’t be rude. If I deem anything inappropriate, I’ll have no problem deleting the comment.

Site: The Great Katharine Hepburn
LAMB#: 1391
URL: http://thegreatkh.blogspot.se

Skärmavbild 2013-07-30 kl. 16.13.15


And remember: Blustering should be a two-way street; if you’ve asked to be blustered, you better be a blusterer.

If you would like to have your blog blustered by fellow LAMBs, please send me an email containing your site’s info and “Bluster Me!” in the subject line.

5 thoughts on “Brutally Blunt Blog Blustering #73 – The Great Katharine Hepburn

  1. I like the sparse use of your sideboard. However, I do miss some twitter or other social media banners/badges. Also I think you should maybe have the badges/banners in the footer be less scattered around and be more esthetic.

  2. I like how colorful your design is without being to much. I think adding the social media buttons on the right was a correct choice but I’d probably go with another design choice the are poking out at the moment I think.

    A personal choice of mine when using read more indexing (which I prefer) is to actually only have a short intro to the subject in the intro and then have the read more link. Its a very personal thing though. I think most people don’t even like read more formatting.

  3. Agree about the colours being nice, and the overall tone of the blog being appealling.

    My one tip would be to have an “About” page or a mission statement towards the top of the page. I understand the blog is about Katherine Hepburn – that’d be quite hard to miss – but is your plan to work through her movies, her life, or both? What is the purpose of the blog?

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