Hopefully by know you’ve had a chance to catch up with the latest actor draft over at the Lambcast, this time dedicated to action titans Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. If you haven’t listened yet you’re missing out, and I urge you to rectify this situation immediately, via this handy-dandy link. Either way, now it’s time to vote for whoever you think managed to compile the best movie team. Here they are:
Vote for Dylan, David, Shane, Nolahn or myself below:
When is the winner announced for this? I can’t handle the suspense! Although looking at my list, I realised I didn’t think things through properly in picking two sets of sequels. You never know though, I’m still pleased with the choices I ended up with.
I can’t end it just yet – it’s currently sitting at a tie! (And I can neither confirm nor deny whether you are a part of said tie). As soon as someone pulls ahead I’ll close it.
Oh, and it’s a 3-way tie at that.
Oooh, so tempting to just cast a second vote for myself 🙂
Ah, but for all you know that could create a 4-way tie! Also, no cheating. I’m watching you, Brook.
Nah I couldn’t really – the guilt would haunt me for years 🙂