2014 cannot officially be over until the Lambcast has posted its Best of 2014 show, so I guess we’re now definitely in 2015, because here’s that very show.
Jay Cluitt and Robert Zerbe were joined by DJ Valentine, Eric Hillis and recurring Best of show regular Lindsay Street to count down their Top 5 movies of the year, hand out some personal awards and generally discuss 2014 in movies. And what year end show would be complete without a lengthy discussion on fruitcake. What?
Also, listen out for the voicemails sent in from other members of the Lambcast family! Big thanks to everyone who sent in messages, you can check out their websites here:
Across the Universe
Blueprint: Review
Cinema Axis
Coog’s Film Blog
Exploding Helicopter
Forgotten Films
French Toast Sunday
Insession Film
Man I Love Films
The Nightmare Gallery
Public Transportation Snob
The Vern’s Video Vortex
The show can be found, of course, via iTunes – just do a search for “LAMBcast.” Also, I always post a link to the show on the LAMBcast’s Facebook page, and there’s a player there if you’d like to listen online. The direct RSS feed is: http://lambcast.podomatic.com/entry/2015-01-08T13_47_32-08_00. Shows will eventually make their way to the LAMBcast Archives. If you’d ever like to catch up on back episodes, go there. If you’re interested, you too can be a LAMBcaster – we love new blood! For more information on the LAMBcast, check out the topic at the LAMB Forums. Music provided royalty-free by Kevin MacLeod’s Incompetech website. Big thanks to Kevin for providing this service. Opening song by Cake. The LAMBcast loves feedback, too – if you’d like yours read on a future show, leave it in the comments section at the LAMB. Please visit and like our Facebook page, and finally, we’re on iTunes, and would still love a review, even if it’s a bad one. Thanks for listening!