This week in the LPN 5-19

As you may know, there’s more than just the Lambcast in the Lamb Podcasting Network and I’ll be here every week to hopefully share some of the other shows worth listening to that have released an episode within the past week, if you’re not subscribed to all of the network shows, make sure you stop by here in case you find something new that you fancy. Descriptions of the episodes are in the hosts own words where possible.

Also, if you’re a member of the LPN and have any announcements: hiatuses, returns, call for guests feel free to let me know and I’ll feature it on one of these posts. Now, onto the shows!

Featured Episode

This week the featured episode is from the fine folks at French Toast Sunday who come together for yet another live script read. If you haven’t heard them before, go back and check out the FTS script read of Clue or a more recent script read of The Room from the fine folks at the Lair of the Unwanted including a member of the FTS gang as well as yours truly.

French Toast Sunday #235

It’s time again for another special episode of the FTS Podcast, the group performs a live script read of the John Hughes classic – The Breakfast Club. Please enjoy! Oh and spoilers, obviously.


The Chicks With Accents podcast turned 2 last week! Congratulations on making it to year 3! If you haven’t listened, now’s a perfect time to start because I’m sure you’ve seen Avengers 2 so you can listen to the thoughts of Mette, Nik, and Sofia in their latest episode.

Across the Universe Podcast #44

The chicks are back and this time they talk about the highly anticipated sequel to The Avengers– The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Listen and find out if they liked it, what they maybe didn’t like about it (caution: there are some spoilers) and other general thoughts.

The Lair of the Unwanted #105

For centuries, humans have had one question on their mind. Scholars spent years solving the riddle. Scientists have studied and searched near and far for the answer. Animal experts have been stumped. But Jason and Nolahn were the ones to finally answer the question: Is Ben Affleck the Bomb in “Phantoms”?!?

Forgotten Filmcast #51

The new episode of the Forgotten Filmcast is finally here! This time, Todd is joined by Toby Roan of The Hannibal 8 to discuss a nasty little heist movie from 1950, Armored Car Robbery.

The Mad, Bad, and Downright Strange Showcase #17

Dj Valentine (Simplistic Reviews) joins for this latest episode as we look at a pair of films which both form oddities on their respective director’s C.V’s.

Kicking things off is John Carpenters only foray into Kung Fu cinema with the truly bonkers @Big Trouble In Little China”. Next up we hang out with the dude in “The Big Lebowski” a character unlike anything the Coens have does before or since.

All this plus we discuss the lasting appeal of “Die Hard”, Test movies and trailer crack and much more!!

Really Awful Movies #32

Is gore required in horror movies? On this podcast we discuss Zombi 2, Dr. Butcher MD and how Italian directors became known for shocking gory films. We discuss movies and magazines that influenced us, such as Friday the 13th and Fangoria. In Tenebre, an arm is sliced off and blood splatters absolutely everywhere. Not every film needs gore to be effective, but it helps with the horror experience.

Note: Also check out episodes #33 Firestorm and #33b The Bristol Bad Film Club which were also released this week.

See you next Wednesday!

2 thoughts on “This week in the LPN 5-19

  1. Whoa! Thanks so much for featuring us! We had to take some time off between episodes so it’s cool to see some recognition after being away for a bit.

  2. Thanks again for featuring the MBDS Showcase. Hopefully myself and DJ did these two cult favourites justice

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