The latest Movie of the Month has been decided upon!


It’s been said before and it will most likely be said again – when it comes to winning the Movie of the Month poll, persistence really does pay off. This month, in another very close race, the winner is someone who has submitted films fairly consistently but never won once. That was the case until today, on his 20th attempt at winning, so it gives me great pleasure to say congratulations to Jason Soto of The Lair Of The Unwanted who has successfully championed Timecrimes to victory!

In winning the poll Jason gets the chance to host the upcoming Lambcast devoted to the film. As always, when the Lambcast show is posted, any reviews, features or podcasts the rest of the LAMB wishes to submit about the film in question will be posted too. Please send in any submissions – new or old – to jaycluitt(at) by Monday 6th Match. Around that day will also see the next poll go up, so if you would like to champion the Movie of the Month for April 2017, get in touch. April’s MOTM will be a franchise special, so if you would like to submit a franchise for discussion, please do! It must have at least 3 films and no more than 8 (unless you break it up somehow), and it cannot be one we’ve already discussed recently, which rules out The Godfather, Back to the Future, Airport, Terminator, Mission Impossible, Fast & Furious, Rocky, Rambo, Of The Dead, Ghostbusters, Lethal Weapon, Mad Max, Halloween, Planet of the Apes and the Muppets.

Here are the results of this month’s poll:

The Lair of the Unwanted will be ineligible to champion a MOTM contender for the next three months. Vern’s Video Vortex still has two months of ineligibility left. Journeys in Classic Film will be ineligible for one more month. Flights, Tights and Movie Nights is now eligible again.

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