The latest Movie of the Month has been decided upon!


As is customary, our April Movie of the Month is a franchise special, and as usual we had a pretty diverse range of franchises put forward, from animation to superheroes, indie romance to, well, Tremors, but there’s no real shock as to what eventually won, although some others were chasing like a giant boulder rolling behind it for some time. If that’s not a big enough clue I don’t know what would be, so I’ll just reveal that the franchise we’ll be discussing for April is… Indiana Jones!.

Congratulations go to Jeanette from The Mundane Adventures of a Fangirl for successfully championing the Indiana Jones franchise to victory. As such she also gets the opportunity to host the upcoming Lambcast show devoted to it.  On the day that show is posted, here on the LAMB site you’ll also find links from the rest of the LAMB community dedicated to the films. If you have any reviews, features or podcasts about any or all of Indy’s exploits (even The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. because why not?), send a link to Jay on jaycluitt(at) by April 9th.

Here are the results of this month’s poll:

The Mundane Adventures of a Fangirl will be ineligible to champion a MOTM contender for the next three months. 1001 Movies and Beyond still has two months of ineligibility left. The Popcorn Auteur will be ineligible for one more month. Kirkham A Movie A Day is now eligible again.

If you would like to submit a film for May’s Movie of the Month, get in touch!

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