Vote for February 2019’s Movie of the Month!

Just like last August, we’re doing something a little different for February’s Movie of the Month. In fact, every other month will be themed in some way. As we celebrated Jay’s birthday in August last year, so this year we’re celebrating Richard’s birthday, and as such he has selected the range of films to choose for February’s Movie of the Month. The poll is at the bottom of the page, but first here are the choices:

Les Diaboliques (1955)

The Man Who Would Be King (1975)

Slap Shot (1977)

Tombstone (1993)

Clerks (1994)

The Quick And The Dead (1995)

Being John Malkovich (1999)

Death At A Funeral (2007)

Which film should be our movie of the month for February? The poll will close on Sunday 20th January, it’s going to end on this date, dammit.

If you’d like to submit a film for a future Movie of the Month, leave a message in the comments, or contact us on Twitter (@LambThe) or email largeassmovieblogs(at)gmail.com.

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