
For a second week in a row, a one syllable title, this time a new film and from one of the most promising directors of the last decade, Alex Garland. “Men” is a horror film that stars Jessie Buckley and Rory Kinnear and it has a bigger cast but not a lot of other actors. To find out what that means you have to listen to the podcast.

Suffice it to say, the newly minted Academy Award Nominee Jessie Buckley has to carry the emotional weight of this film on her shoulders. M’s Chief of Staff has other duties in this film, and they are plentiful. Lisa Leaheey, Howard Casner, and for a time, “The Vern” weigh in on whether this film lives up to it’s pedigree, fulfills expectations created by the trailer and generally doesn’t piss us off too much.

Horror films are sometimes subjective and this one raises ambiguity to heights that may provoke some and intrigue others. Our guests this week however seemed to form a consensus on the film, so maybe it is less subjective than originally thought.



Mostly Spoiler Free Opinions   2:45

Generous Spoiler Talk   17:45

Lamb Scores   54:00

Rants/Raves/Reviews   58:50


The Vern   Cinema Recall   

Lisa   Between the Scares   

Howard   Pop Art   

Richard   KAMAD   


The show can be found, of course, via iTunes – just do a search for “LAMBcast.” Also, I always post a link to the show on the LAMBcast’s Facebook page, and there’s a player there if you’d like to listen online. Find the show here:


If you’d ever like to catch up on back episodes, go there. If you’re interested, you too can be a LAMBcaster – we love new blood! For more information on the LAMBcast, check out the topic at the LAMB Forums. Music provided royalty-free by Kevin MacLeod’s Incompetech website. Big thanks to Kevin for providing this service. Closing song by Cake. The LAMBcast loves feedback, too – if you’d like yours read on a future show, leave it in the comments section at the LAMB. Please visit and like our Facebook page, and finally, we’re on iTunes, and would still love a review, even if it’s a bad one. Thanks for listening!


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