
It’s time to announce the winner of July’s Movie of the Month poll! July had no theme and, due to various scheduling issues, had only four films submitted and a week within which the voting took place, but regardless you voted and one film gained the most votes, so that’s what will be discussed on this month’s Movie of the Month Lambcast show. So, for July we’ll be talking about… Stand By Me!

Congratulations go to Lisa Leaheey of The SibList podcast for successfully championing Rob Reiner’s first Stephen King adaptation to victory, and as such she gets to host the upcoming Lambcast dedicated to it. Here’s the voting breakdown for the poll:

If you would like to submit a film for a future MOTM poll, get in touch! Lisa Leaheey, Howard Casner, Ashley Ullom-Jirak, Heather Baxendale-Walsh, Emily Slade, Richard Kirkham and David Brook are now ineligible to champion films for the rest of 2022.

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