
Fans of character actors will want to listen in to this week’s show for a couple of reasons. First of all, we give massive props to actor Vincent D’Onofrio for his work as a character actor in a whole variety of films. We then follow up with an exit question that is ripe with potential follow up shows.

Round 1

Lisa Leaheey and Heather Baxendale-Walsh show up as the most enthusiastic fans of Vincent D’Onofrio, and right away they clash over their first pick. It’s not so much a competition as it is a lovefest as they alternate choices with Richard in this retrospective of the actor’s films.

Round 2

There are some unusual choices once we get past the first round and there will be some surprises as Heather betrays her supposed loathing of rom-coms and Lisa picks a part in a movie that she loathes. It looks like Antoine Fuqua and the year 2000 are going to dominate the selections that one of our participants is making. 

Round 3

D’Onofrio is in a lot of movies for a very small amount of time, but he has also been a leading man in a few films and those roles don’t all get ignored by our LAMBs. In this round we get a role that one guest says is his best performance, and another selection that D’Onofrio himself thinks is his worst. That’s the kind of thing that happens as we dive deeper into his filmography. 

Round 4

In a career spanning almost forty years, the actor can sometimes be a chameleon. Vincent famously gained 70lbs for one role and then lost it all and looked like a Norse God for his next role. He has often played older than he actually is, sometimes just the addition or a subtraction of some facial hair makes him fit the part just right.

Round 5

He has played cops, criminals, the good guy and the bad guy. When you stand between Robert Downey Jr. and Robert Duvall and still get noticed, you must be doing something right. And who are you going to call if you need a villain for Sly and Arnold to take down?

Round 6


Round 1 4:56

Round 2 15:00

Round 3 22:00

Round 4 27:30

Round 5 36:48

Round 6 44:10

To By or Not To By Game 54:44

Exit Question 1:01:15

Heather Word of Hellmouth

Lisa Between the Scares

Heather and Lisa Pictures and Conversation

Richard KAMAD

The show can be found, of course, via iTunes – just do a search for “LAMBcast.” Also, I always post a link to the show on the LAMBcast’s Facebook page, and there’s a player there if you’d like to listen online. Find the show here:


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