Lambcast #746 Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice (2024)

by Richard Kirkham · September 9, 2024 · Featured, LAMBcast · No Comments

September is often a dumping ground for films that the studios have no faith in, but that is not the case this week. It seems like Warner Brothers has deftly maneuvered a film they have great expectations for, into a spot with little competition and an audience anxious for a legacy sequel. The cash is rolling in and now so are the opinions. 

Our gaggle of guests this week include Emily Slade from the “Why This Film?” podcast. Emily does her best to find fault with the film, but she seems to waffle occasionally because there were some things that worked for her. The Vern from “Cinema Recall” also tries to diss the film, but finds plenty to recommend as well. Rachel Wagner from “Rachel’s Reviews” was the highest on the film, but she starts to temper her opinion as the conversation goes on. What is happening here? Everyone is critical while at the same time admiring things about the movie. Is it the script, the concept, the execution? You will just have to listen to find out.


General Thoughts   2:20

Tim Burton Talk   16:00

Spoiler Wall comes down   32:00

Exit Question   1:07:00

Rachel   Rachel’s Reviews   Hallmarkies   

Emily   Why This Film?  

The Vern   Cinema Recall  

Richard   KAMAD

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And Watching…