There’s a new podcast in town, we met right here in the Lamb forums and now we’re proud to present the As You Watch Podcast! Our members are Bubbawheat from Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights, Vern from The Vern’s Video Vangaurd, Nick from Cinematic Katzenjammer, and Joe from Two Dude Review. You can find our podcast at any of our sites, our Podomatic page, or right on iTunes. And, like the title says “As You Watch”, we discuss. Our second episode comes out Tuesday, August 28th and we will be discussing the 1990 Warren Beatty film Dick Tracy, if you want to watch it too, I’ll gladly link to your reviews on that episode’s podcast page. You can send your reviews to, thanks for listening!

links listed here for easier copy/paste and HTML e-mails never work well for me.

Got a Press Release, something to Plug, or a Screener available for review (or some combination of the three)? Ok, don’t get all crazy about it. Just click here and give me the details (what, when, where, and a link, for starters) – I’ll handle the rest.

5 thoughts on “PLUG: As You Watch Podcast!

  1. That’s a beautiful thing to see right there! I hope everyone gives it a listen and lets us know what they think..good or bad, we can’t improve if you don’t tell us what needs improving.

  2. yeah if was a decent listen but sound quality is everything for me…

    good way to choose the movie for next week but if your anything like me, I am terrible with names…

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