Normally by now you might have expected an episode of the Lambcast to have dropped on the Movie of the Month, which for April is The Godfather Trilogy. Unfortunately we’ve had some scheduling issues over on the show, and as yet have been unable to get together to record the show. We’re still planning on releasing a show as soon as we can, but with the end of the month just around the corner and May’s Movie of the Month about to be announced, the lack of a Lambcast doesn’t mean the rest of the LAMB community doesn’t have anything to say about The Godfather!
Here’s what the LAMB thinks about the films individually, and as a collective:

The Godfather
Cinema Viewfinder
Cinema Viewfinder (2)
Defiant Success
DVD Infatuation
Film Vetter
French Toast Sunday
Life Vs Film
Moe at the Movies
Silver Screen Fanatic
Surrender to the Void
To The Escape Hatch

The Godfather Part II
Cinema Viewfinder
Defiant Success
DVD Infatuation
Life Vs Film
Silver Screen Fanatic
Surrender to the Void

The Godfather Part III
Cinema Viewfinder
DVD Infatuation
The Furious D Show
Life Vs Film
Surrender to the Void

The Godfather Trilogy
As You Watch Podcast
Fogs’ Movie Reviews
French Toast Sunday
The Madlab Post

Come back soon to find out what the Movie of the Month for May will be! And if you want to suggest a film for a future MOTM, leave a note in the comments or get in touch!

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