The Movie of the Month for November 2022 is…

by Jay Cluitt · October 24, 2022 · MOTM, MOTM Champions · No Comments

Here at the LAMB we’re not trying to wish away Halloween and the spooky movie season before it’s upon us, but we live by a strict podcast schedule that necessitates the announcement of November’s Movie of the Month winner now, now goddammit, now! Six movies were put forward for the hallowed title and, despite a somewhat lacklustre voting turnout this month there is still a winner, so whether you care or not the movie of the month for November 2022 is… U.S. Marshalls!

Congratulations go to Jeanette Ward from The Mundance Adventures of a Fangirl for successfully championing the sequel to The Fugitive to victory, and as such she gets to host the upcoming Lambcast dedicated to it. Here’s the voting breakdown for the poll:

If you would like to submit a film for a future MOTM poll, get in touch! Jeanette Ward, Nick Rehak, Roger Wistar, Tony Cogan, Lisa Leaheey, Howard Casner, Ashley Ullom-Jirak, Heather Baxendale-Walsh, Emily Slade, Richard Kirkham and David Brook are now ineligible to champion films for the rest of 2022.