Hear ye, hear ye, all rise for the Honorable Lambcast. Enter and be judged. This week, the guests of the Lambcast are the Law. We decide if the 2012 version of Judge Dread is Dreadful, thus being sent to an iso cube for eternity, or if it is “Not Guilty” and can therefore continue to make action audiences everywhere happy.
Heather Baxendale-Walsh, longtime LAMB, Podcaster, and author, brings the dystopian future’s greatest law enforcement official to the show this week. She championed the film to victory in the MOTM Poll, so she is the host for this week’s discussion.
The film is an ultra-violent story of a grim future, where massive buildings, that act as whole cities, are overridden with crime, and the Law consists of Judges who act as police, jury, and executioner. The most relentless of these law enforcement officers is Judge Dredd, played by Karl Urban. The 1995 version of Judge Dredd with Sylvester Stallone, is a cartoon science fiction film with some great production design, but the 2012 film is a strict action movie that plays like “The Raid” with a grimmer protagonist and more guns than martial arts.
The villain is loathsome, the underlings to be disposed of are numerous, and the Judge has a trainee under his tutelage, who has psychic powers. Does it all work? You will have to tun in and listen if you want to know our take. Howard Casner and Matthew Simpson balance out the jury, and we have some follow up on films we believed could have used a sequel.
Heather Takes Over 3:04
Howard Rules on the film 8:41
Matthew weighs in 14:20
Richard Passes Sentence 18:50
Dystopia and the Law 23:45
Lambscores 1:09:26
Exit Question 1:11:01
Heather Author’s Page
Howard Pop Art
Matthew Portfolio
Richard KAMAD
The show can be found, of course, via iTunes – just do a search for “LAMBcast.” Also, I always post a link to the show on the LAMBcast’s Facebook page, and there’s a player there if you’d like to listen online. Find the show here:
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