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  • Lambcast #731 Buried Treasure

    by Richard Kirkham · May 13, 2024 at 22:47 CEST · Featured, LAMBcast, Uncategorized · No Comments
    Lambcast #731   Buried Treasure

    This week, the Lambcast takes to the seas in search of treasures that may be lost or at least unknown to our community. We hoist the skull and crossbones in the hopes that we locate movies that deserve some attention but have been hidden for a variety of reasons. 

    Second Mate Nicole Ayers is ready to keel haul the makers of Mizuko for choosing a distribution system that basically buried the movie under in impenetrable Vimeo...

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  • Lambcast #730 The Fall Guy

    by Richard Kirkham · May 7, 2024 at 18:07 CEST · Featured, LAMBcast · No Comments
    Lambcast #730   The Fall Guy

    The Summer Season starts with a Romantic Comedy, masquerading as an action adventure mystery. There is a lot of action, not much mystery but at the heart of it all is a sweet love story set in the world of movie making. “The Fall Guy” may be a meta movie about movies, a summer popcorn flick, or a two hour argument for the Motion Picture Academy to finally give recognition to the stunt work in the films. Regardless of which...

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  • Vote for the May MOTM

    by Richard Kirkham · May 6, 2024 at 18:14 CEST · LAMBcast, MOTM, New Poll, Poll · No Comments
    Vote for the May MOTM

    We need a quick turnaround on the MOTM Poll. Fortunately, there are only three submissions so your vote is unlikely to be diluted by the short voting window.

    Howard Casner of “Pop Art” has submitted The American Astronaut a Musical/Comedy/Sci Fi from 2001.

    Jason Soto, from “Rabbit Hole Podcasts” suggests Late Night with the Devil, a very fresh horror film from...

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  • LAMBcast #729 “Aperl” MOTM Franchise-Planet of the Apes

    by Richard Kirkham · May 3, 2024 at 17:27 CEST · Featured, LAMBcast, MOTM · 1 Comment
    LAMBcast #729  “Aperl” MOTM Franchise-Planet of the Apes

    Nine Movies seemed a little overwhelming for a single episode, so Matthew Simpson, of the “Awesome Friday Podcast” suggested that the three reboot films be the subject of our April MOTM Franchise show. The choice came after a tight race between three franchises, separated by a single vote each. Matthew hosts Nicole Ayers from MadLabPost and runner up Sean Homrig, from the Cabot Cove ConFab, in a discussion of the three modern...

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  • April MOTM Franchise is…

    by Richard Kirkham · Apr 19, 2024 at 18:37 CEST · Uncategorized · No Comments
    April MOTM Franchise is…

    After a spirited competition, that came down to a single vote separating the top three contenders, we have a winner. The April MOTM Franchise will be the Matt Reeves Planet of the Apes trilogy. This is just in time for the fourth film opening in May.

    Congratulations to Matthew Simpson who will get to host the episode when it arrives at the end of the month. Our Condolences to the other fine choices, in particular Lisa Leaheey, ...

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  • Lambcast #727 Decade Lookback 1967

    by Richard Kirkham · Apr 18, 2024 at 3:02 CEST · Featured, LAMBcast · No Comments
    Lambcast #727   Decade Lookback 1967

    The Summer of Love was also a year of change in the movie business. The Hollywood Production code was breathing it’s last breath, and the old guard of Hollywood was making way for the future. European films directed at the general American audience were being produced by the truckload, and French Directors were influencing American movies in more than one way.

    So what do our guests this week talk about? Not “The...

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  • Lambcast #727 “Spoiler Alert!”

    by Richard Kirkham · Apr 8, 2024 at 23:18 CEST · Featured, LAMBcast, Uncategorized · No Comments
    Lambcast #727  “Spoiler Alert!”

    Everyone knows that spoilers are irritating to film fans who have not yet seen the movie. Here on the LAMBcast however, most of us have seen these movies so we are not afraid to talk about them, in particular the key elements that might spoil the movie for you. This week’s episode is the antithesis of what we usually try to do here. We are not coy about giving away the ending of a movie, a plot twist or two, or revealing the presence of...

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  • Vote for the April Movie of the Month Franchise

    by Richard Kirkham · Mar 27, 2024 at 17:09 CET · Uncategorized · No Comments
    Vote for the April Movie of the Month Franchise

    The month of April is when we celebrate a franchise in the Movie of the Month Episodes. While there are some movies that deserved a franchise and never got a sequel (The Nice Guys, Dredd and The Shadow could still happen if we wish hard enough), there are plenty of film series where we might wonder, “How did this happen?”

    We have four film franchises that await your decision, which one will live on as a MOTM Lamb Legend?...

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  • Lambcast #726 Ghostbusters Frozen Empire

    by Richard Kirkham · Mar 25, 2024 at 20:06 CET · Featured, LAMBcast, New Release · No Comments
    Lambcast #726  Ghostbusters Frozen Empire

    There are now five films in the “Ghostbusters” Franchise (that is if you count the 2016 film which is widely dismissed by fans) and the newest one hit theaters this last week. The new cast from “Ghostbusters Afterlife” have moved back to New York City and they have taken up the family business, but not without some complications. 

    This week our cast of Lambs does some busting of their own, questioning...

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  • Lambcast #725 The Neon Demon- March MOTM

    by Richard Kirkham · Mar 18, 2024 at 22:58 CET · Featured, LAMBcast, MOTM · 1 Comment
    Lambcast #725  The Neon Demon- March MOTM

    The Vern’s choice for Movie of the Month was the winner for March, and he hosted the show on 2016’s “The Neon Demon”. Those of you longtime listeners of the Lambcast know that The Vern enjoys a divisive movie conversation, and that’s exactly what we got with this week’s show. Matthew Simpson from the Awesome Friday Podcast, and James Wilson from Blogging by Cinema Light, joined us for an examination of...

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  • The Movie of the Month for March 2024 is…

    by Richard Kirkham · Mar 11, 2024 at 19:57 CET · MOTM · No Comments
    The Movie of the Month for March 2024 is…

    There were four films submitted for MOTM for March, and everyone got some votes. A couple of the films had been talked about on the show, but that was not enough to put them over the top. It takes a dedicated LAMB, willing to use Social Media, to get the kind of support that turned the vote from a close contest to a run-away victory.

    Congratulations to The Vern of Cinema Recall, his strategy led to a result that will allow him to...

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  • Lambcast #724 DUNE Part 2

    by Richard Kirkham · Mar 5, 2024 at 17:54 CET · Featured, LAMBcast · 1 Comment
    Lambcast #724   DUNE  Part 2

    Welcome back to Arrakis, the one planet in the Universe that supplies the spice mélange, which allows interstellar travel. It’s only other significant export is jihad, and this week the guests on the show spend some time talking about the roots of that second product. Oh, we of course talk about the movie as well, a film that seems to be living up to everyone’s very high expectations.

    Three years ago, the first...

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